News — london
A Brief History of Swimwear
Swimwear did not become fashionable until the 20th Century. According to Wikipedia, during the 18th Century swimming was regarded as "of doubtful morality" and you had to plead health reasons if you fancied a dip! The length of women's swimwear was strictly regulated in 1920s - beach patrol! Modesty was of the utmost importance with early swimwear designs, and Victorian women were forced to change into their cumbersome "bathing dresses" in a bathing machine - essentially a beach hut on wheels. It wasn't just women who had to cover up in the early 1900s! By the 1920s women were able...
A Very Sassi Launch
Last weekend we held a little party to toast the launch of Sassi Swimwear. The event took place in a beautiful church hall in West London. Sassi's founder, Sophie wore one of her own designs - our Marigold one-piece - under a chic black jumpsuit. A very easy look to emulate on nights out in the Riviera for effortless glamour. We ate the most delicious cupcakes from EatnMess, each decorated with a different Sassi design from our Brighton photoshoot, and sipped Italian bubbles in homage to our sublime Italian fabric that we use double-lined on every bikini and swimsuit. Guests were able to browse the...